
Many years ago I was given a set of Angel Oracle cards for my birthday.  It was on this birthday that I began a yearly practice of creating a card spread for the next 12 months. Mind you, my birthday is in August. By September I have no recall of the cards I have drawn for the year; though certain, as always, that I will receive the perfect card each month. I think this is one of the ways that my angles look over my shoulder and remind me of what is most important for me at the time.

In my last post, I shared with you about my call to dive deeply within. I continue to make process in my movement through what I called Resistance at that time. As January 1st approached I was still resolved to continue deepening and broadening my consciousness. And as often happens to any of us who respond to our life’s call or journey, I was not totally clear about what I needed next. It was as if a puzzle piece was missing. I was not certain - not firm about my 2017 Intention – not sure how to manifest support and clarity for my next steps. I was just uncertain.

Then on New Year’s Day I pulled my “January” angel card. The card was FOCUS. I remember thinking “Well of course.” To focus would bring clarity. Yet, I was unclear about what I was to focus on. Then I read the meaning of “FOCUS”. 

 “Think about what you want, not what you don’t want. Guard your thoughts carefully because they create your experiences.”  

- Doreen Virtue, PhD. Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards, 1999

Okay! This is clear and I do have a habit, especially when feeling stressed, to look toward what I don’t like or don’t want instead of what I appreciate and desire. I read on:

 “Sometimes it seems our thoughts choose us, but this is never the case. We always choose our thoughts – every moment. Our thoughts always have an effect and there are no neutral thoughts. One-half second before you hold a thought, you decide to hold it. So, with practice, you can learn to monitor and alter your thoughts. This is the equivalent of putting your hands on the steering wheel of your life. You may believe that your concentration abilities are impaired, yet the infinite mind of God is within your own mind. You can experience remarkable feats of concentration by affirming: ‘I am now able to focus my mind at will. I hold only loving thoughts, and my angels act as my gate-keepers in establishing a steady stream of thoughts of love.’ “

- Doreen Virtue, PhD. Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards, 1999

Seek teaching everywhere right?

For me, learning involves continued practice so that I embody what I’m being taught. So my FOCUS involves letting go, shedding and releasing the habits I have developed and that no longer serve me. I choose to release my negative thoughts. The result so far, has been another levelof opening as I also release the negative responses I have to the uncomfortable feelings I experience.

 As I release what I no longer need, I am finding spaciousness. The Universe does not like a void. I am creating space for what I want in my life. I am choosing to hold thoughts of Love, Peace, Gratitude, Forgiveness and Joy. I am choosing to FOCUS on what I desire.

Oh, and I am confident that I will have opportunities to add many more affirming thoughts and actions to my repertoire. How can I be so sure? Because I know I am doing what my heart and soul are longing for.

May you find the Focus you need in this new year so you too may practice living your dreams to your fullest potential.
