Gratitude and Generosity

In the middle of October I lead a workshop on Learning the Art of Gratitude & Generosity: Creating Collage to Awaken Your Divine Potential.

I love facilitating workshops that feature creating collage art to go deeper into the identified subject of the workshop.  As well, I so enjoy being in community as I engage in the creative process. Where two or more are gathered right?

Group process is amazing and so is the creative process. Community provides the opportunity to be heard and seen in a very intimate way. By creating collage we use our inherent creativity as a vehicle to go even deeper within to see ourselves in a new and unique way – to have a glimpse of our divine potential.

Here is some of the feedback from the workshop:

“It’s amazing to let go of words and sit with my sight. My mind is never that quiet! Obviously a good meditation for me.”

“The guided refection was a true respite from the busy-ness of my life.”

“Getting into the mental space where art came forth and having my pieces of paper come together with meaning.”

My personal collage had two “sides” so to speak. Yes there are the simple things that I am so grateful for. Things like the beauty of nature, sunshine streaming through the window after a storm, things I have the opportunity to learn about and experience, a good, hot cup or coffee or tea and the sense that I am a spiritual being. But what I came to realize as I flipped between the two images I created is this: We are so connected. And as I look more deeply into the images in my collage, I become aware that they all blend together and become thousands of lights that fill the world with gratitude. More profoundly, it is this bottomless sense of gratitude I believe, that opens my heart (and the hearts of others) to the natural expression gratitude. This gratefulness is known as generosity.

Generosity is more than sharing our wealth. It is having as openhearted nature. Our gratitude or open-heartedness shared as kindness, giving of our time and expertise, greeting all those we meet with a smile and hello and so much, much more.

As our Thanksgiving holiday approaches I challenge all of us to express your openhearted nature – with Gratitude and Generosity! And may we all have a closer glimpse of our divine potential as a result.
