The Key to Gratitude

In a few days I will be facilitating a workshop on GRATITUDE AS A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE. For myself, my spiritual journey has opened a space for me to more deeply ponder, explore and experience the keys to living a life of gratitude. But where will I find it? When will it appear? Is it outside of me or is it within me? On reflection, these don’t sound like very deep spiritual questions!

William James has been quoted as saying that “The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.” Experts in the field of positive psychology believe that the mental state of being thankful benefits not only the receiver but also the giver. An attitude of gratitude promotes self-esteem and self-worth and prevents stress and anger. Plus, the brain produces endorphins when we express gratitude, resulting in an increased sense of well-being.

This sounds simple, right?. Tell people that you are grateful for them and what they do, express gratitude for nature, for loved ones, for… well everything. Now I’m thinking this is a much taller order. On top of this I’ve recently learned that a life of gratitude must begin with me. The key to gratitude as a spiritual practice starts with me being grateful for myself!

I don’t know about you, but I learned as a child that I shouldn’t boast and seems that expressing gratitude of my own gifts and talents is being self-centered. Not a good thing right? Yet when I think about it, if I can’t love myself and feel grateful for all I have been given – especially those numinous parts of me on the inside like the ability to feel love, hope, joy, peace - how can I be truly grateful for others? After all, I do believe we are each unique beings with special gifts that only we can share in our exclusive and exceptional way! Guess what? That includes me!

I do have to admit that beginning with myself makes sense even if difficult for me. It is here in my first blog post, that I share with you all the gratitude I have for my talents, my dedication, my persistent and my frustrations (yes, I did get past those times of frustration and have learned from them). Not only does launching my new website feel like a new dawn for me – and for which I am grateful – but it also feels like a new beginning for me; a new life practice of gratitude that, through me, I will be able to share with all of you.

I thank this Great Mystery of life for my ability to write things that surprise me!

I thank you, the reader of my reflections. Especially I say thank to all who havesupported me through this process. Some of you have read and commented on my writing and the format I envisioned for Thank You! This is especially true of my web-designer Barbara Keany. Thank You Barbara, for your creative genius, your insight and your dedication! Thank you so much for your ideas, your patience and your loving support! You are amazing!