

Today while reading from “Daily Gratitude Reflections” by Deborah Perdue, I was reminded of how much I have to be grateful for. The last reflection I wrote on my web page was about Transformation; the photo I used was of the most recent work of art that I had completed. This piece of art has, more than any other, left me pondering its title. I believe this is a good thing, as I consider the universe’s plan behind my creating the art piece, “Transformation.”  Why was I called to create this piece? Certainly I am not transformed by having created this art. I have not yet reached the destination so to speak. Just like I am not yet Enlightened. 

I seem to regularly forget about the process of transformation, the journey I am on during this life of mine. Instead I have been focusing on judging myself. Yes, judging myself about some future event I would like to have happen, rather than simply being in this present moment where I can know life is happening. Thinking on the past and/or reflecting on the future is a lifelong pattern for me. This pattern no longer serves me and it is embedded in old thinking that will not change in an instant.  Shucks!

Reading today’s reflection reminded me to be grateful for my willingness to read daily reflections on gratitude and to apply these teachings to my life! It reminded me to have gratitude for my willingness to look deep within – especially when I see things I do not like – and to stick with the practice no matter how rewarding it may seem or how uncomfortable it becomes. The reading reminded me that what I do is not serving me and I can change my thought patterns to what does serve me. This is the journey for me. This is what transformation is. This is enlightenment in this present moment! As a result of reminding myself of these truths, I feel love increasing in and around me. A love that is available to shower myself in and to share with the world! Right Now!

I am filled with gratitude for my journey and the abundant supply of opportunities to love more deeply. And as Deborah Perdue wrote, “I am grateful beyond measure for this big transformation in my life!” It is all GOOD! I AM BLESSED